Friday, February 27, 2009
Please, Place Your Votes
Don't worry the truth will be revealed once the polls close on March 12th!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Streets Of San Francisco: Day Three
We walked the long way around to Chinatown so that we could enter under the gate at its southern end. We had intended to rush in, pick up a few things we had seen during our Tour of the City the day before and rush out. Yet, when we entered Chinatown, the desire to hurry quickly faded. Maybe we were expecting the same Chinatown we had experienced in New York...rushed, crowded and invasive. Instead we found a relaxing atmosphere where people went out of their way to help you find what you wanted with smiles on their faces.
A bit of trivia for you: San Francisco's Chinatown is the largest outside of Asia.
We asked a local shop owner where to find lunch and were directed to the R & G Lounge where we had some of the best Egg Drop Soup I have ever eaten (it had mushrooms in it). After lunch we walked the two blocks back to the shops and finished our shopping for the day.
The next 30 minutes I would really rather forget, as we trudged UP the hills to make it back to the flat. Seriously, it was horrendous trying to walk those hills. I only thought going down the day before was bad. Once we had an all uphill climb, I almost didn't make it. You would know that not a single available taxi drove by us. I had to stop at least three times to catch my breath going up each block. And that was with Beverly walking behind me trying to help push me! I cannot even begin to imagine how I would have made it if I hadn't been working out since the middle of January.
Since we had a late start that 'Mary' felt was her fault, she suggested we hire a car for a few hours to see some of the sights that we had missed. Beverly really wanted to go into a few of the vintage clothing shops at Haight-Ashbury. We freshened up a bit, called for a car and headed out the door again.
These pictures were taken during our tour the day before, but I wanted you to get a feel for the area. I didn't take any pictures on Saturday...but one of the other Girls may have a few. There wasn't a need to take a lot of pictures when we were mostly shopping, I guess.
We started out in a resale shop that has been in the area for years. Bev found a few things that caught her eye, but the next store really got her attention. It had nothing but vintage clothing from the 50's through the 80's. We walked through playing 'remember when'. It was a pretty cool place. The stores closed early and we didn't get to make it down to the record we headed to North Beach for a bite to eat. Since both our driver and Patrick (our tour guide from Friday) had recommended Calzone's...that is where we headed. They were the largest calzones I have ever seen. Two of us shared one and still had to take leftovers home. (I had the pizza, just so I could compare it to Grimaldi's in Brooklyn. My thoughts: tie, but now I can hardly stand to eat pizza here in Texas.)
We headed straight back to our flat after dinner, because we had a day trip planned for Sunday. I will fill you in on the delightful surprise I received on that trip next time.
City By The Bay: Day Two
We had an appointment with "Mr. Toad" for a "Tour of the City". We traveled the city with our tour guide, Patrick, in a 1921 Rambler. It was open air, so I had to slip into my sweater pretty quickly. This picture was taken under the Golden Gate Bridge a little further into our tour...but you get the idea of how we toured the city in style!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
San Francisco: Day One
As is our tradition, we made a toast to friendship as we enjoyed the sights of San Francisco out our windows.
We took a little time refreshing ourselves from the flight and unpacking before eating lunch at the Nob Hill Cafe down the street. We then headed toward Pier 33 to catch the ferry for our evening tour of Alcatraz. What a beautiful place. It was hard to believe that it was once a high security prison while looking at it from across the bay. See...
If you are ever in the Bay area, I highly recommend the Alcatraz Night Tour. The price includes the audio "Doing Time"...where you are guided through the prison by the voices of both former inmates and former guards. For the night tour, your boat is the only one on the island. It has an eerie feeling at times. Especially when you hear the sound of the doors clanging closed!
This is my favorite picture of the landscape on Alcatraz island.
That is the remains of the warden's house behind the lighthouse.
Look at these tiny cells. I cannot even imagine being locked in there for longer than a minute! Pictures can be deceiving...but basically behind this twin mattress is the small toilet. The sink is beside that with a small seat and table in front of the sink. I believe the cell is 5' wide and 9' deep.
Here is a picture of me and the girls in front of the prison with San Francisco in the background. Yes, those are our headphones around our necks!
These signs hang in various places around the island warning everyone to keep away.
Alcatraz was by far my favorite of the weekend. All you had to do was to look at my souvenir suitcase to know that. I filled it with coffee cups, t-shirts and more. I brought home several signs with the Alcatraz regulations on them to hang by the kids bathroom. My favorite is Regulation #5: "You are entitled to food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Anything else that you get is a privilege." Too funny!
The ride back to Pier 33 was beautiful with the lights of San Francisco shining before us.
We walked down to Pier 39: Fisherman's Wharf for more shopping and dinner. We enjoyed one of the best crab dinners I have ever eaten at The Crab House. Look at this Crab Feast for four!
Does this not look amazing? I couldn't help but think of William the whole time we were eating. He loves crab and he would have been in heaven for this!
After dinner, we caught a taxi back to the house. Our driver was from Malta. I don't think I have ever met anyone from Malta before. After a few minutes unwinding together, it was off to bed and a good night's sleep because we had another tour scheduled for the next morning!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
San Francisco Is Still Standing
Be back tomorrow with Day 1 of Grandmas Gone Wild: Part Two!
*Names have been changed to protect somebody, though precisely whom is open to debate!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Guilty Pleasures
That took be aback.
Do I make excuses for myself? Yes!
Why? I don't know!
It is not like he is against this trip in the least. I didn't have to bargain or beg to go. We are not going to miss a mortgage payment by me going. The children are old enough to hold their own and don't require his constant attention (though even when they did, he never said anything about me taking a weekend away).
So why the guilt?
I have always dreamed of traveling. Nothing too exotic...I am not that imaginative...but of seeing the US and all her glory. I would love to spend a week in a cabin somewhere in the mountains of Colorado or browsing the museums in Washington, DC. And there are so many friends and family spread out across this nation that I would love to spend time visiting face to face in their element.
Growing up, my family didn't take vacations. Other than visiting family, I remember only two outings. An overnight visit to Six Flags Over Texas in the Dallas area and a weekend in Biloxi, MS.
As our children were growing up, we didn't really take vacations either. We would visit family members on holidays and, once we moved to Texas, we would take visiting family to see the local sights...sometimes staying away for the weekend.
Did I ever think I would really see New York City, much less twice in one year? No way. Atlanta? No, Ma'am! San Francisco? Nope.
Maybe that is why this feels like a 'Guilty Pleasure' dreams are coming true and I am not real sure how to handle it!
I will accept this as a gift from the Lord and try to enjoy every single minute of it.
Anyone out there feeling me? I would love to hear your story.
I don't know if I will post from California. I can't decide whether to hassle with taking the computer through airport security or not. If not, I will have pictures next Tuesday...Wednesday at the latest.
California or bust...y'all!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Let's Go To San Francisco
I have so much to do. I have not even begun to pack, even though I have to be at the airport on Wednesday evening in order to catch an early morning flight.
I need to do some more laundry tomorrow. Our water was off when we arrived home from work this evening. I guess someone had a bad leak that needed repair. It came back on around 8...but Jim and I were busy processing deer meat. (Tell me we are not multi-talented!)
I am about to crawl in the bed. I have to be at work early tomorrow morning to finish up payroll and get the monthly billing completed before we leave. I have a hair appointment and an optometrist appointment tomorrow as well. I have on my last pair of contacts and I hate to travel without an extra pair. I am always afraid that I might lose one and spend the rest of my trip unable to see well!
I need to get busy laying out my clothes. It is hard to think 'layers' when you live in southeast Texas. We wear capris and sandals for much of the year!
I will try to post more tomorrow evening! Meanwhile, please check out Kelli's post from today. (You can click on her name in the side bar to your left.) She has a cute, cute, cute picture of Maddux with his eyes open. In my defense, she had to give him a bath first to get his eyes open long enough for a picture.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A Perfect Sunday Afternoon
Saturday, February 14, 2009
To My Valentine
If I had to describe you with an image, this would be it:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Meet Little Mister Maddux
Born February 11 at 12:07 pm CST
7 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces
19 inches
It is not as bad as it looks.
His cries sound more like little piggy squeals.
Resting peacefully after a long morning's work.
Sweet Prince.
Brooke meets her new little brother.
Look at that sweet smile on her face!
We were so proud of her that we sent out for her sushi immediately!
Maddux felt like a rock star, what with all those flashes.
Auntie has already put him to sleep! That girl has the touch!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Baby News
Jim is not answering his phone and Kelli has not posted I am going to spill the beans for once.
Maddux should be arriving on Wednesday around noon!!!
Kelli went to the doctor this afternoon and due to her weekend of contractions, the doctor has decided to induce labor on Wednesday morning. My understanding is that Kelli and Matt have to be at the hospital at 4 AM, the doctor will be in to see her by 8AM and they are expecting to have a baby wrapped in blue blankets by noon.
I am sure that Matt and Kelli are both working like bees to get that crib set up tonight! Matt is off work for the next few days, so this should work out great for both of them. He will be able to finish his shifts while she is in the hospital and then, hopefully, be on vacation once she comes home.
Looks like it is going to be another exciting week around our house!
Friday, February 6, 2009
First Annual Super Ping Pong Tournament
Here is the motley crew just before the final round. (As you can see, Number 1 Son was not in a good mood. His little brother had just knocked him out of the tournament and a chance at the $30 grand prize.)
Our final two contestants were Casy and Will. Will had lost his first round, but fought his way back to the finals. Casy managed to hold him off: 2 -1.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Out Of The Ashes
After all, being a grandmother has given me some perspective on his request.
1. The day is quickly approaching when he will be in his 'mommy stage" and will not want to be with anyone but Meagan and Derrick.
2. Though he asked to go home with Nonna, she is actually the quickest way to get to Papaw, or 'Pa', as Davin calls him.
Within a few hours of arriving at our house, he had already been riding on the Ranger and the tractor; played with all his toys; had dinner and had started walking in his sleep. I dressed him in his pajamas and thought surely the time for bed was almost upon us. But no, he kept himself busy between playing with toys in the living room where we were and checking in on his Uncle Brian and Uncle Will who were playing video games in Will's room.
About 9:30, he had just wandered back into Will's room when Debbie whispered to me, "Fonda, grab your camera." I looked over into the game room to see this.
That is Jim's ash bucket for the fireplace...and those are the ashes from the last few fires all over his head and face! he was throwing them straight up in the air and watching them fall.
It took me 10 minutes just to get all the ashes washed out of his hair. My bathtub looked a mess when he finished!
As we dropped into bed about midnight, I told Jim that I didn't know how in the world we raised five children. Just one for one night wore me out!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Welcome Party For Maddux
This first picture is of the soon to be "Big Sister" with her Auntie. Her little teal sweater outfit was just soooooo cute!
The shower was done in a sports theme, heavy on the baseball (Matt's favorite). The food was plentiful and things you can pick up at a chicken wings and sub sandwiches. The cupcakes were made by one of Kelli's friends, Jennifer. Red velvet baseballs...Yum!
Here is the beaming Mommy-to-be opening Maddux's crib set. So cute!
There was tons of baby blue and brown baby clothes. They will match nicely with all of Brooke's pink and brown.
Kelli and Matt picked up the crib now she feels a little more prepared for his arrival. I am sure that all the cute things that they received last Saturday have helped that feeling as well.
As I mentioned in an earlier email...we are on 'Blue Alert". Waiting to hear that they are on their way to the hospital any day now. I will keep you all posted.
Keeping It All In The Family
Ahh, the joys of staying close to family. I told Jim at this rate we couldn't afford to have many more grandchildren! I would be sick all the time.
Meanwhile, we are anxiously awaiting Maddux's big arrival. Kelli called after her doctor's appointment yesterday to let me know that she has dilated to three and the doctor offered to induce her next week. She is trying to wait until Matt's vacation begins on the 16th...but before I leave on my next Grandmas Gone Wild trip to San Franscisco on the 19th. Because of his imminent arrival, I went straight to see my doctor this morning. I can't be quarantined from our new family member upon his arrival. That would be horrible!
Well, I need to get back to the business at hand. Lots to catch up on since I missed work yesterday. I will try to get pictures of the baby shower out before I leave the office today. Hope you and yours are having a wonderful day!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A Busy Week
Monday afternoon was set aside for a visit with my trainer. Nick pushed me a little harder than I am used to. I didn't realize how much weaker my left arm is than my right until he had me doing shoulder exercises. Let's just say that if I had to lift both arms over my head twelve times each...the left arm only made it all the way up about 6 out of those 12 times. He assures me this will get better in time, but if he had started over each time I stopped like he threatened...I would still be at the gym!
Tuesday I was supposed to go out to dinner with some girlfriends for a birthday celebration. Due to some appointments gone awry, we weren't able to make it. However, it all worked out for the best as Casy and Debbie arrived around 5. Casy had tests scheduled for Wednesday and a visit with the doctor scheduled for Thursday.
Wednesday I headed back to the gym for my second workout of the week. Thursday was a FULL day...I started out at the dentist's office to get my teeth polished, followed by a birthday lunch for one of the ladies in our office and then I met Casy and Debbie for his doctor's visit.
Friday we spent the day at the Houston Auto Show...where I drooled endlessly over the new Chevy Camaro. SWEET!!! I will try to post some pics later this week.
On Saturday I attended a baby shower for Kelli. 19 days and counting for the arrival of Maddux! She was blessed with so much nice stuff. (Again, I will try to post pictures early this week.)
Today we are expecting a house full for Super Bowl. I am not really pulling for either team, but it will still be fun. Jim smoked a brisket overnight and we now have ribs on the grill. Yum! So, I am off to finish preparations. I will talk to ya'll later! Have a great Sunday!