Monday, September 28, 2009
Another One Flies From The Nest
It is a bittersweet time around here. On the one hand, we are excited to see where the future will take 'the newly independent one'. On the other, we hate to see them go. The house seems emptier already.
Jim and I have always known that our responsibility was to get them ready to launch into the world. We have watched one move out after a year of planning; another move on at the time of marriage. This one made the decision in about a week and had our heads spinning. Yet the emotions of watching each of them move into their first place has been similar...pride in their accomplishments, anxiety about their safety, and a little bit of regret that the time had come more quickly than we had thought.
Tonight I take a good look around the nearly empty room and see the things that need to be cleaned up, say a little prayer for the safety of all three of the children who have stretched their wings...and hug a little tighter the two who are closer to launch than I want to think about right now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What's On My Nightstand: September

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling - This was probably my favorite series finale EVER! I read all 756 pages in a weekend. The author did such a wonderful job of keeping the suspense going right up until the very end. Since I started this series so many, many years ago...I was very thankful that the clues (which have been building since Book 1) were revealed in such a way that I could remember them, even if it was just vaguely. I can hardly wait for the movies now!
Vision In White by Nora Roberts - This was my first Nora Roberts book. I picked it up at Half Price Books 'just because'...and threw it in my bag for the 7 hour drive to Arkansas over Labor Day. I 'liked' it. It turned out to be a good travel book. This is the story of 4 friends who have grown from playing Wedding Day in the back yard to operating a full service wedding venue. This first book focused on Mackenzie Elliot, a talented wedding photographer who doesn't believe in 'happily ever after'. That is until she meets a former high school acquaintance who is definitely NOT her type and she fears it might be love. I will probably read the rest of The Bride Quartet when they come out. My favorite quote: "Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy." How true!
Idols Of The Heart: Learning To Long For God Alone by Elyse Fitzpatrick. This one is my slow, pondering read and may even still be here next month.
To Be Read:
The Secret Life Of Bees and The Centurion's Wife are both still on my nightstand. (Will and I will be sharing The Secret Life Of Bees since it is one of his assigned novels this semester.) The only new book to be added so far this month is Belong to Me: A Novel by Marisa De Los Santos.
So, what are you reading? Leave me a comment and let me know what books I might be missing.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Farewell To The Big Apple
We may have missed the colors of fall, but we did see a few trees beginning to change. And we very much enjoyed the beautiful weather (which did not cause me to spill a drop of perspiration all week long).
Sunday, September 20, 2009
With And Without Rain
Since Friday was our last day (and Robin had walked me until my calves ached and the bottom of my feet were sore), we decided to take a bus tour of areas we had yet to see. Neither one of us had been in the Upper East Side, so we decided to take the Uptown Loop on a double-decker bus. (We should have gone with Robin's gut-feeling to wait on the next bus when we saw smoke boiling out from under the back wheels...instead we broke down about 15 minutes later and had to wait for another empty bus to come pick us up at Lincoln Center.)
This is how close our heads came to the traffic lights! It was a little bit freaky at times.
It was neat seeing many of the famous the Apollo Theatre (which is much smaller than it looks on television), the Guggenheim (which looks like a giant toy top to me, others say it looks like the bow of a cruise ship), and the American Museum of Natural History (where they filmed Night at the Museum). I could post a hundred pictures that we took of the sights...but I chose two instead of boring you to death.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Museums And Musicals
We saw several of these caskets. (BTW: The Egyptians looked to be closer to our height.) Several of these were quite ornate and beautiful to look at.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Lady And The Prince
We began our day catching the Staten Island Ferry for a ride across the East River. Robin snapped this picutre of the two of us as we were waiting for the next ferry to arrive.
It is the first thing we have done in Manhattan (other than our walk through Central Park in the snow last February) that was absolutely FREE!
We rode across on a ferry that looked just like this one. (We passed this one on our way back to Manhattan.)
We saw Ellis Island and the the Statue of Liberty from our perch on the first deck.
Such a Grand Lady. Isn't she beautiful? On my previous two trips to New York, the weather was in the negative there was no way I was going to get on a boat. We had to settle for pictures of her from the Brooklyn Bridge and the Top of the Rock.
A dream come true. See her standing over my left shoulder?
After returning to Manhattan, Robin and I strolled down Wall Street. Robin tried to get a picture of the bull, but there were so many people trying to take a picture with his famous mug...and a few taking pictures from behind. (You might really be surprised at what some people will do for a picture. First the gorilla at Tavern...and now the Wall Street bull! Come on people, have a little class.) We walked through City Hall Park and saw this beautiful fountain.
We stopped in SoHo for lunch and then caught a taxi back to our hotel for a little siesta!
Wednesday evening Robin surprised me with an elegant dinner at a former speakeasy, now a place where you may dine alongside a politician, a journalist or even the head of a major publishing house. The 21 Club, with it's row of jockeys along the outside, was everything I imagined. The service was superb. The pork chop was huge! I couldn't eat even half of it. The dark paneled walls and cozy rooms spoke of its past club-like atmosphere. After dinner, we returned to the hotel to change into comfortable shoes and take in some more sights. As we walked through the theatre district, we noticed that Phantom of the Opera was just releasing. Thinking that Hamlet must be about the same length...we decided to check out the small crowd that was gathering at the stage door.
Sure enough, about 30 minutes later, the place was packed and Jude Law made his appearance. "To be or not to be, that is the question" for Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. All I can say is "Cute, cute, cute!"
I never expected to see so many 'stars' among the bright lights of the big city!
I bet you are dying to find out who we saw on Thursday! All I am going to say is, it is worth the wait!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Star Gazing In New York City
Robin and I arrived Tuesday afternoon and are having a wonderful time. We are taking a little siesta before heading out to dinner and I thought I would take the opportunity to post a few pictures from yesterday.
After a three hour flight, where we talked non-stop...we were greeted at the airport by our driver. I love not having to haul my own luggage around an airport! We did good though. Only one checked bag each...but at 55 pounds each, I sure was glad they were on wheels.
The hotel in which we are staying is beautiful! It looks like I would imagine a Manhattan apartment would have looked like in the 1940's, minus a kitchen.
After depositing our luggage in the room, we set out to find a bite for lunch. We ended up at Lindy's on Broadway. (The original was a frequent haunt of Milton Berle back-in-the-day.) We ate at the sidewalk tables because the day was so nice.
After lunch, we strolled the streets and took in the sights. We noticed a red carpet being set up just a half a block from the hotel. They were preparing for the New York City premiere of Matt Damon's new movie, 'The Informant'. We walked up to Central Park and then stopped in at Randolph's for drinks before getting ready for the evening. (The lounge is named after the William Randolph Hearst who in 1926 built the hotel for his paramour, Marion Davies.)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Week In Review
We traveled home on Monday, which was also Brian's 19th birthday. Meagan, Kelli and families joined us on Tuesday evening to celebrate with fish tacos and strawberry cake for dessert.
On Wednesday evening I attended an Open House for Will. I can tell you that I don't miss high school. Rushing from class to class...lockers...cafeteria lines. Since I didn't have time to go home beforehand, I did a little shopping for decorating the office for fall.
On Thursday we attended Will's ballgame. They lost 0-6 against the Spartans. He was very disappointed. Meagan, Derrick and Davin came too. Meagan says that Davin no longer wants to watch Noggin in the mornings. He wants to watch 'feetball'. She is already outvoted in her household and he is only two.
Friday was a hectic day with all kinds of twists and turns...but I did manage to get the groceries for next week!
Finally, last night we attended a wedding for a family friend that we have known for nearly 20 years. It was a beautiful ceremony at a bed and breakfast in Round Top. A quaint little town that you should visit if you are ever in that area.
Today I will be spending the day packing for my birthday trip to New York. Robin and I will be flying out on Tuesday morning and I can hardly wait. We may actually get to taste a little bit of a real fall while we are there!!!
The blog will be quiet next week while I am away, but I should have pictures for you when I get back.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Love To Cook Thursdays: Green Salsa
During the last "What's On Your Nightstand" at 5 Minutes For Books I stumbled upon this new carnival hosted by Kipi at In My Own Little Corner. Since I am having a hard time coming up with meal ideas these days (whether that is due to the heat or the hectic back to school schedule, I do not know), I bookmarked the page to check back for ideas last Thursday.
Since we left for Arkansas on Friday morning, I just copied a few recipes and promised myself that I would join the fun this week.
I am challenging myself to try one new recipe a week...whether it is an entree or a dessert does not matter so much as trying SOMETHING new.
Monday was Brian's 19th birthday...but since we were traveling home, the party had to wait until Tuesday. When asked what he wanted for dinner, he replied FISH TACOS. Where did that come from? I have never even seen a fish taco! Never mind the fact that I never thought I would eat (much less make) a fish taco.
First, I called a friend to ask her what constituted a "proper" fish taco so I would be able to recognize a decent recipe if I saw it. Next I read a description of what has been called the best fish taco in Houston to get some pointers on what to look for. Finally, I searched the Food Network website for a recipe that was close to my friend's description and the Pappasitos menu. I settled on this recipe from Bobby Flay.
I thought for sure this would be my "Love To Cook Thursday" entry...but as it turns out, Kipi had already posted a fish taco recipe. As the other two posts thus far have been TexMex in nature, I thought I would stay with the theme and share a delicious green sauce recipe that I found a few years ago.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Bulldogs Visit The Rangers
The Waller Bulldogs traveled to Rosenberg (70+ miles away) to meet the Terry Rangers. We were a little late arriving at the game...missing the first three minutes. (It always takes me twice as long as it should to get to Rosenberg. There seems to always be something holding up the traffic, no matter which route I take!) The score was 8 - 0, Bulldogs when Jim and I arrived.
Will didn't have quite the stats that he wanted or that he earned last week. Even though he got real close to the quaterback a few times (as seen here)
I took this picture at half time. It made me smile. Where else would you see a pair of cowboy boots sitting on the track but in Texas?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
More Football Pictures
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Just Another Day
Jim is out dove hunting this evening. It is opening day here in our area. He and our partner were invited to go out to one of our new customer's places...and found out his son plays football with Will.
This afternoon he and I drove across Houston to visit a friend whose wife had a little boy yesterday. Then we had to rush back across town to pick up our 'little boy' from football practice. I told them to enjoy the years that lie ahead...because it seems like just last week that Will was born and we were bringing him home from the hospital.
Tonight we will have a quiet time here at home because tomorrow night we have another ball game for Will. I don't know why they moved it from Thursday...maybe it has something to do with the Labor Day holiday. The only bad thing is that it will be a good hour and a half away. :-( The good thing is that I may actually be able to talk Jim into eating out after the game!
What did you do today?