A long, long time ago...back in the days of sunshine and sand...you know, like way back in June...we took the kids on a business trip with us to Port Aransas. Remember...that was the trip that I told you about where the pictures disappeared from my memory card?
Well, I found them! The mystery was solved when I popped in my memory card and found the June pictures, but no sight of my recent pictures...that was when I remembered that I had 'lost' a memory card earlier this year and had replaced it with an identical card. Well, the 'lost' card must have turned up in my camera bag in June but I thought it was the 'new' card, etc. etc.
Anyway, here are a few pics from our trip to Port A.

A view of the Gulf of Mexico from our resort. They have a lot of dune in that area.

Look at those cheeks! Pappaw can't help but give them a squeeze!

Derrick, patiently awaiting the 'Girls' to finish dressing for our dinner out.

Okay, Mom is going to kill me for this one...but it is the only one I got of her that she was looking at the camera.

Jim, patiently waiting on our table at the hottest restaurant on the island. Trout Street...our favorite!

Will - he looks a little bit surprised, doesn't he?

Brian and Jessica

Oh, no...even Momma is squeezing his cheeks!

Goldilocks...where did she get that hair? I know the blonde came from her daddy (though that was only when he was little) but the curls???

Meagan and Derrick

Davin schmoozing for the camera. He was making his sour face while eating a lime.

Davin and Pappaw...chilling at the condo.
Kelli and Matt were only able to make it for two days...and they decided to make it a romantic weekend without the kiddos. They left the afternoon before we took these pictures so that Matt could get back to work. I know I took some pictures out by the pool...but I must have picked up Kelli's camera by mistake, because those are definatley NOT on either memory card.
I know Davin wishes that Brooke and Maddux would have made it for the weekend...

because he had the only chipmunk cheeks in the house!