Thanksgiving is a special time for our family. We travel back 'home' to southeast Arkansas to hunt and visit with my family. We are not all able to make the trip anymore (this year we were missing Bri and Matt), but we try. Since the majority of both of my parent's families are in the area, we generally get to see most everyone in one visit.
Thanksgiving Day is hosted by my sister, Rosa, and my brother-in-law, Steve, at their cabin in the woods. (Kelli pointed out the other day that their cabin looks eerily similar to the Santa pictures cabin!)
My Little Sister, Rosa: Hostess Extraordinaire |
Rosa usually prepares most of the meats, including her delicious stuffed chickens which you have to be first in line to get some days!
The Jenkins Clan: 2011 |
This is Arlee & Lurlene Jenkins' crew...minus at least fifteen people! We are a mob of chaos to try and get in a single photo. Even in this one, we couldn't convince Maddux to get off of Uncle Steve's tractor for even one shot.
Uncle Bobby, Ray, Brandon, Glen & Will discussing the morning duck hunt. |
We catch up with one another...
Time to eat!
Mrs. Bertha, Steve, Brian, Jana, Shelly, Taylor and Derrick |
...and we eat! Boy, do we eat!!! This is just the meat and side dishes. In case you missed it, the dessert table is seen in the picture above with the boys talking.
The Bolins and the Goodes |
It is one of my favorite times of year because I get to be with those I love!
Standing: Derrick, Meagan, Will, Brian & Kelli
Seated: Fonda & Jim
Front Step: Davin, Brooke & Maddux |