Admit it. You were beginning to get a little worried that we had fallen off the face of the earth again, weren't you?
I have missed the last two Thursdays and truth be told, the week before that had been loaded and scheduled a week earlier.
We are in the midst of transition. Mom has been dealing with some pretty serious health issues since last December. She had undergone a routine procedure to clean out some scar tissue in her shoulder that was causing her some pain and discomfort. The procedure went well -- but she did not recover as she should have. One thing led to another and then another until late April when Rosa and I were called and told that she was on her way to the hospital for the fifth time in as many months.
As a result of all of the illnesses and inability to get around, Mom had little strength left. After her latest hospital stay she had to spend some time in a rehabilitation facility in Little Rock. While in Florida for Naiz's wedding we received word that she would be released in early June and that we had to make arrangements by June 4.
And so it was that I found myself driving the eight hours to Little Rock last Wednesday and moving her into an Assisted Living facility in Monticello on Thursday.
The place is wonderful...just a year old and feels very homey. The staff there is extraordinary. And Mom seems to be happy with the decision. But, oh the emotions! We will just leave it at that.
While picking up some of Mom's personal things from her home this weekend, I came across this photo:
I'm not sure what grade it was...probably somewhere around 4th, 5th or 6th grade. When I look at that photo I see a combination of my dad and my boys. That is definitely where Brian gets his smile!
When I posted this photo on Facebook several of my friends commented on my penchant for accessorizing even then. I have never really thought about it...but I do still like my chunky necklaces! See!
Accessorizing at work today! |
How are you?
Are you facing any transitions in your own life right now?
Noticing any similarities between your preteen and current self?
I would love to hear all about it!