Tuesday, January 29, 2008
You Deserve a Break Today...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Sun Is Peeking Through The Clouds
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Our New Fancy Eating Table
And yes, the table tennis top can be removed to reveal the 'fancy eating table' (Beverly Hillbillies style). Jim and the boys have been at it since we finished putting the last piece together. This was supposed to be placed in the 'bungalow', but we stored all of the boxes from our house in the city there this past weekend. I wonder how long before the adults in the house get tired of the tap-tapping and banish it out to its originally planned location?
Hanging On To Truth
Sunday, January 20, 2008
What's In A Name?
What Fonda Means |
Several years ago, I gathered up my courage enough to ask some of my closest friends "If you could only use one word to describe me, what would it be?" The unanimous winner was "serious". I have tried to lighten up a little since then...but in all fairness to them, I am pretty serious most of the time. As to the going 'overboard in interpreting signals'...Jim would give it a loud "Amen". Another area I am trying to work on. Today, I will choose to focus on the positives though...loving, compassionate, loyal, dependable with an active imagination (that is why I don't watch scary movies, they stay with me long after the screen fades to black!) Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I Am Still Here!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Monkey Shines
Friday, January 11, 2008
Guess Who's A Teenager?
1. This was Will's first year to play real football. By the end of the season, he was playing offense, defense and special teams.
2. William is named after both his grandfathers. His first name comes from Jim's dad and his middle name from my dad.
3. This fall, Will got his first bow. He and Jim may someday work on taping that hunting and fishing show that Will has always dreamed of.
4. Will was due to be born on what would have been his great grandfather's birthday, December 27. Instead he came on the birthday of Jim's dad, Poppy.
5. Will has quite the sense of humor. Sometimes it gets him into trouble...and sometimes, it makes for great Kodak moments like this:
(that is his camo stocking on his head, sort of Elf meets Realtree Outdoors)
6. William's favorite food is anything that comes out of the ocean, especially crab legs. The boy was eating raw oysters at the tender age of 10! (He had both tonight for his birthday dinner.)
7. Instead of the traditional birthday cake, he has requested a sweet potato pie this year. Now that is a boy with deep southern roots!
8. William has the love language of gift giving. One of our favorite stories is of the Christmas that he was about five. He was not happy giving the gifts that I had bought for him to give the family so he went around the house gathering and wrapping his own gifts. (Regifter extrodinaire). Imagine Kelli's surprise when she opened his gift to her on Christmas morning to find a three week old banana. NICE! Here he is playing Santa for our family Christmas this year.
9. Will plans to move to Arkansas after he finishes school to live at the fish camp. That would be his dream come true right now...to hunt and fish every day.
10. If our pets could choose who they would spend their time with, it would be Will. This is him and Pib hanging out around the firepit.
11. Will loves playing paintball. He and Brian have set up a course in the back of the property. Paintball tournaments are held here almost every weekend.
12. During spring break this past year, he and I both learned how to run a trotline. This was our only fish of the week. (You know what Hank Jr. says..."can skin a buck and run a trotline, a country boy can survive.)

13. Will loves to work outside with his dad. The two of them can do some real damage to the groves of tallow trees on our property.
We love you!