Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 In Review

As I was driving in to work this morning I heard an interesting 'stringer' on the radio. You know, those things they use to tease you into tuning in to the program that will be airing the local news has the habit of doing every night to keep you tuned in to the 10 o'clock airing. The 'teaser' was in the form of a question..."What one word would you use to sum up the year 2007?" I am thinking on that this morning and will get back to you later with my one word. I need to ponder on this a little while. Feel free to share your one word summation in the comments below.


Brenda said...

One word was WOW! It is amazing how the Lord will take situations and shows what is really important. It has never been about material things they are nice but life... Learning His ways more understanding Him better praying His Words, seeing what He can do first hand.

Anonymous said...

change!!! No more alief house to call home, a new nephew, a new baby, a new apartment, Matt's new job and me leaving mine. Lots of change.