Following Saturday's full day of adventure, we were ready to take it a little easier on Sunday. Robin, our tour guide extraordinaire, had told us that she had planned a surprise for us at 12:30 on Sunday and we had reservations for dinner at 7 pm...other than that, we could do whatever we wanted.

We took our time getting ready on Sunday morning before heading over to the Rockefeller Center observation deck. I really didn't expect much after viewing NYC's nighttime skyline from the Empire State Building that first night, but it was well worth the time to view it again during the day from the Top of the Rock. We had such a wonderful view of Central Park and traced out the areas we had visited during our Winter Wonderland tour on Friday. We covered a large area and my feet totally agreed!
The show was fantastic. It was so much fun watching the choir as they got the audience involved. The Harlem Gospel Choir does not perform for you to sit and watch...they call you to participate in worship. You spend half of the time on your feet. The good southern food was just icing on the cake.
After brunch we headed out to do some souvenir shopping. We took our time as we made our way back to the room...stopping at The Phantom of Broadway, The New York Store (I think we actually stopped at two of those), the M & M store and finally stopping at the NBC store.
Once back at the room, we decided to rest before dinner and to get back early in order to pack for the airport the next morning. We headed back out to Tavern on the Green for dinner. The place was just as beautiful at night as it had been on Friday in the snow.
We woke early the next morning so as to meet the limo downstairs in plenty of time to make it through the long security lines we had seen at La Guardia when we arrived on Thursday. Thankfully, the long lines did not exist on Monday and we breezed through to our gate. The flight home was much quieter than the flight to NY...or maybe it was just because I couldn't hear out of my left ear so I couldn't tell if Robin or Stacy were talking to me. By the time we reached Houston I could barely make it off the plane. I came down with fever and chills that evening.
We took a few of these self portraits...but this is one of my favorites. It was a great time! As a matter of fact, as we sat at dinner on Sunday night we began planning our next Girls Weekend. We are thinking either San Francisco or Nashville!

Well, it sounds as if y'all had an absolutely wonderful time. I can't believe how much stuff y'all crammed in one weekend!!!! I'm exhausted just reading it. HA HA
Not enough words wonderful pictures...thankful for the oppurtunities you guys had. Sounds like you enjoyed a beautiful weekend. Memories are forever...
My goodness Fonda.
I didn't know you visited NY.
Hope you had a great time, it appears you did.
You have a beautiful family and I'm so proud of you all.
I've enjoyed visiting your blog and glad you sent me the link.
Let me know the next trip you plan to "Cooter" and we'll try to come down.
Tell everyone Hi and we love you all.
Aunt Glenda
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