We had a pretty tough storm blow through our part of Texas yesterday during the afternoon and early evening. I drove through several showers as I made my commute home, nothing too severe, but some stretches of low visibility.
This morning as I drove in to work it seemed as if spring had followed in the path of yesterday's rain. Everywhere I looked I saw the brushstrokes of color that the Lord so quietly painted as I slept. I wish I would have had my camera as the Lord unfurled this beauty before me (or at least caused me to slow down long enough to notice). Of course, then it would have taken me two hours to get to work!
Here are some of the things that greeted me as I drove:
These are stock pictures to help you envision the trip.

The Indian Paintbrush flowers which appear to be sprinkled along the roadsides.
The wisteria growing wild along an old fence row, still giving testimony to the house place which once stood there.

The red bud trees in every other yard which seemed to have only slight leaves yesterday, but are in full color this morning.

The common yellow wildflowers found in nearly every ditch and field in sight.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the sight of seven or eight paints running after each other as they circled their pasture.
I know that the calendar says Spring does not arrive until tomorrow, but since we do everything bigger in Texas...I choose this year to consider it a 48 hour event!
Spring may be made beautiful by the flowers that bloom and the wind a little warmer on my face but my allergies are not impressed. HA HA
Yes Spring has simply been beautiful! God is truely the artist of nature His talents are awesome.
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