Finally, pictures from the beach! I brought my compact flash to work with me today so that I can share a few (dozen) pictures from our beach vacation last week.
Today's pictures will focus on how we spent our time on Independence Day.
This is our 'Land Without Time'...the place where even the youngest members of the family found it easy to relax.

Doesn't that deck look inviting? Especially with those bright colored
Adirondack chairs? I am here to tell you that is a wonderful place.
I woke earlier than the rest of the house on the 4th because I could smell the aroma of barbecue brisket coming from the kitchen...and it smelled like it was time to come out of the oven!
After removing the brisket, I started the coffee pot and slipped out on the deck to see the sunrise.

It was a glorious red-orange color as it broke through the low lying clouds. This picture does not do it justice at all!
I then turned the camera on the early morning surf. The water was so blue on Friday and Saturday. The clearest I have ever seen the Gulf of Mexico this far north.

The beach was quiet while I sat on the deck with my coffee, my camera and a book. A little bit of calm before the storm!
I returned to the kitchen to make breakfast before starting the ribs and all the sides for our Fourth of July Barbecue with Robin and her family.
Throughout the remainder of the day different ones would pick up the camera and capture some of the moments. Here are some of those pictures:
Maddux and Papaw
Maddux laughing in his exerciser
Inquisitive Brooke-y Bear
Have I told you that she is a fireball?
And that she can be LOUD?
Davin's funny food face
Will, chilling on the deck mid afternoon.
See all those people who joined us at the beach to celebrate the 4th!
Brian coming in from playing in the surf.
Bri and
Kelli and
Meagan kicking into 'vacation' mode.

This is where I spent most of my day...but I loved every moment of it. I love a party, especially if it means friends and family and good food.
It appears that Mr. Green killed Miss Scarlet in the hall with the revolver! (while her back was turned, no less!)
The kids played Clue while I cooked. It was like old times!
And for some strange reason, we took absolutely NO pictures of our barbecue party!
But I did snap this one of Davin and Brooke watching fireworks from the deck that night.

Brooke didn't care much for them at first, but then she and Davin would yell 'boom' and 'pow' as they sailed overhead...followed by cries for 'more'!
But for some reason, in the back of mind, all I could hear was the Black Eyed Peas singing!