Monday, February 14, 2011

Amazing Love

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,
whose rider is called Faithful and True.
Revelation 19:11
Faithful and True -- words that make a woman's heart swoon -- if she will just let herself imagine with hope for a moment.

A Rider on a white horse -- her Champion -- defending her honor, vanquishing her foes, sweeping her off her feet into the "happily ever after."

The things of fairy tales and great love stories. The very thing set in the feminine heart by her Creator.

Thank heavens He also sent the Hero -- the Lover of her soul -- the Prince of Peace -- our Lord Jesus!

Happy Valentines Day!


Amy Sullivan said...

Yes, faithful and true. Don't we all desire it?

What a fun blog. Love your header, and this was a really cool take on this verse.

So nice "meeting" you!

Leslie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you! I've always loved that verse, and you did a great job expounding on it.

Anonymous said...

Its funny when I was a wee girl it would have been the White Horse that made me swoon, now I'm older 'Faithful and True' are really the swoon causers!