We stayed here at the...
This whirlwind visit was all to celebrate a very special person's SPECIAL birthday.
Isn't he cute? Jim says he looks just like a big fat rib eye! Now there is a man who is trying to keep the end in sight.
Of course, she would deliver on the day we are expecting record lows!
If you want to see a few more pictures of him, check out Stacy's blog, "Just Horsin' Around' in the left sidebar.
Finally, last Tuesday evening, I stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up some reading material for our trip to the Memphis area. One of my favorite magazines to peruse is Today's Christian Woman. I have had subscriptions to it in the past...but lately, I have just been picking them up when I go into a bookstore. I picked up the latest edition and thought nothing of it. At bedtime, I took it to my room to leaf through before falling asleep. I hadn't noticed until then that it was the September/October issue. No big deal. I have had that happen to me several times in the past...you pick up a magazine only to realize that it is actually an issue behind.
I have a bit of an OCD problem when it comes to magazines and books. I HAVE TO read every page ...first to last. That makes sense when it comes to books...except that I HAVE TO read every Forward, Acknowledgement, etc. IN ORDER! Needless to say, the Editors column is one of the first things that I read in any magazine. I was shocked and saddened to find that the issue I was holding in my hands was to be the last issue of Today's Christian Woman. (Yeah, all that reading, but I missed the bold "Final Issue" on the front cover!) This magazine has encouraged me and rebuked me (in a good way) for more of my adult years than I can count. Now it is to be no more.
It is with these things weighing on my mind that I closed out 2009. Not the best year...but certainly not the worst either. There was a part of me (the melancholy side, I guess - You know; my strong side) that didn't want to let go...that wanted to pout that things I had enjoyed would not be there to enjoy in the future.
But then, I was reminded by that Still, Small Voice that instead of pouting (which would do no good whatsoever at fixing any of it) I needed to be thankful for having the experiences in the first place. There is nothing to miss if I don't live my life day by day and enjoy the moments as they are given.
So, yeah, 2009 wasn't the greatest of years...but it was a year filled with special moments and unexpected surprises that deserve to be treasured. Even the things that I may take for granted as always being available to me to experience again should be appreciated...because there are no guarantees on that.
So, here is to remembering 2009 with fondness and gratitude...while experiencing each day of 2010 as it comes.
(And y'all are free to remind me of this post when I start complaining!)