Our family gathered to celebrate Easter a day early this year. For the FIRST time since Christmas, every single family member was present and accounted for along with every spouse and every child. (Note: the exception being Josh, who will receive his official Goode certification in 12 days and counting!)
After our delicious meal, Jim and I headed down to our other property to hide the eggs while the boys cleaned up the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, the rest of the family joined us.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Brooke, Nonna, Maddux, Pappaw & Davin
I wanted a picture of the two of us with the grandchildren before the Egg Hunt madness began. Maddux was sitting on my other knee until just before the pictures began to snap. He looked up to say 'cheese' and noticed Jim beside us, so he quickly jumped ship and moved to sit on Pappaw's knee instead! |
Time to hunt Easter Eggs!
Davin raced to the front of the group, yellow pail at the ready. |
Maddux was a little more laid back, walking alongside his mom. |
Once we all made it to the Easter Egg Patch...it was time to HUNT!
Davin was on a mission. |
Brooke headed straight for the edge of the woods. |
Maddux decided to take the ones strewn about the grass. |
You may have noticed that all the kids have on their rain boots. We have found that rain boots and crocs are the shoes of choice for country life...you don't have to worry about keeping them out of mud puddles or dirt. There is one small draw back though, as evidenced above. |
Brooke found the 'Pappaw Egg'!
Davin found the 'Nonna Egg'!
And Maddux found LOTS of eggs!
That is a picture of Maddux trying to save his eggs from his mother as she tried to count them. He didn't like that at all! |
Brooke with her spoils of the day. |
I did things a little differently this year. Instead of putting candy in the eggs, there were either prizes or pieces of paper with larger prizes written on them. Texas is too hot for candy. I don't care how quickly you hunt the eggs or what kind of candy you use...it melts and is not worth eating by the time you find the eggs. I think the kids enjoyed the new format.
Davin is ready to get to the prizes. He had his eye on the fishing game. |
Brooke getting Uncle Derrick with a confetti egg.
She later tried to get Davin with one only to find out that it was actually a hard boiled egg instead. |
What a great time we had!
I know the Real reason for Easter and try to honor it with all my heart. But at the same time, it is great fun to enjoy the awe and wonder of the season through the eyes of little ones.