Friday, May 9, 2008

Flight Of The Love Bug

It is that time of year in Texas. Love bug season is in full bloom. We can't sit on the back deck during the daytime because they cover our beige patio chairs (not even citronella helps). And don't even think of wasting your time or hard earned money on a car wash because you can't drive more than 5 minutes before the grill is covered in them again. Now I find out from Wikipedia that "Its character as a public nuisance is due not to its bite or sting (as it is not capable of either), but to its apparently highly acidic body chemistry...If left for more than an hour or two, the remains become dried and extremely difficult to remove, and their acidity pits and etches automotive paint and chrome." Great! There is NO way that I can keep them off my car! What's a girl on the Texas Gulf Coast to do at this time of year, walk? It was up to 90 degrees here today!
Luckily, we are also being visited by a much friendlier love bug this evening. No, not Herbie the Volkswagen Beetle from the 60's movie...but by our lovely granddaughter, Brooke. She is sitting up in the middle of my bed, 'talking my ears off' as I type. We have been snapping pictures all night...but here is her favorite. (She told me so when I was showing her on the view finder.)

This one, on the other hand, is my favorite. She is wearing her camo onesie with its lace and bows and Pappaw's camo ball cap. Yep, we start 'em young around here!

Happy Friday night, ya'll.


August said...

She is sooo adorable!

Fonda said...

I so agree...ADORABLE! And you should hear her laugh!

Brenda said...

OH she is soo sweet and Adorable yes!
I just saw these pictures. I bet you had a wonderful time with her.