Thursday, March 17, 2011

Small Sacrifices

I've been having a tough week.

There, I've said it.

I've been avoiding this blog like the plague because I didn't want anyone to know how weak I feel. And I certainly couldn't muster up the strength to 'fake it'. So, I just didn't write.

I found myself reloading the home page hoping for something new to miraculously appear. But it never happened.

So, here I am. Just being real.

The crazy thing about all of this is that I can't even tell you WHY I'm having a tough week. There has been no crisis, no bad news, no reason to feel like I do...yet I still do.

So, instead of staying quiet until the 'muse' moves me again, I have decided to share with you more of my grace gifts list. (And I am hoping it inspires me as I remember too!)

11. A peace that washes over even when looking at hard truths.

12. Sunroofs and worship music!

13. Four turtles lined up on the side of a pond, sunning themselves.

14. The sound of the carpet steamer coming from Son's room without being asked.

15. Seeing for myself the beauty of the pond that Jim has envisioned all along.

16. Being asked out for a date with my husband - TWICE in one week!

17. The sound of 'hi, mom' from behind a pile of laundry that arrives unexpectantly.

18. Riding four wheelers with Davin.

19. Pet dragons - the gecko that endured 8 gallons of Miracle Gro in the watering can before being shook loose into the flower bed.

20. New growth in last year's hydrangeas!

21. Stopping my pruning of said hydrangeas to check the Internet for proper care. There would have been no new blooms this year if I had kept going!

22. The hope of summer sunflowers buried with each seed in the front bed.

23. Listening to my husband plan a turkey hunting trip over the phone with my dad.

24. The whole household drifting out onto the deck in the early evening hours as we wait for dinner to be served.

25. Feeling like baking again -- Rice Krispy treats, banana bread & M&M blondies -- all in one afternoon.

26. Discussing Lent around the table with family...and not starting the conversation.

27. A hot shower.

28. Squirrel scampering across blacktop.

29. Pinwheels swirling pink and purple.

30. Red-headed woodpecker feasting at old tree stump for breakfast.

31. Worshipping with God's people, even if you don't personally know another soul.

32. Squirrels running under fence and over posts as car drives past.

33. Soft soil sifting between fingers.

34. Silvery clouds heavy laden and dripping with rain from heaven.

35. Darkness that lasts only a moment before yellow glow of lights fill the house again.

36. Sound of sister's voice crossing the miles just to catch up.

37. Three unfurling leaves of a Gerbera daisy increasing to eight.

38. A command to offer a sacrifice of praise in my weakness and the words on a iPhone to follow through.

39. A cup of coffee and time to enjoy it with two dear friends on an ordinary Tuesday morning.

I haven't added to this list in a few days, but maybe this will get me going again. I hope you are seeing His hand at work around you too, my friends.


Anonymous said...

Hey what about sound of FAVORITE cousin's voice just to catch up?

Just kidding. I think we stay caught up most of the time.

Rita - Your favorite cousin

Deidra said...

Your list sure has made me smile. Such blessings!

Stacy said...

I love your list! It is so great to see the blessings even when we don't feel them - you know.

Brenda said...

I am so thankful when at the beauty of your list God is always busy in your in lives. Love it thank you for sharing His love with the grace list.


Unknown said...

A lot of your list was about new growth. Having spent considerable time in my garden this weekend, I can concur -- new growth, tangible and spiritual is definitely something to be thankful for.

Paige said...

You just miss my crazy self! Always smiling and cracking jokes. I know it's been about a year since Ive been there. It's long past due! I think your having withdrawals! lol lov u