Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Am What I Am

You may remember that back in April I posted on reading Gretchen Rubin's book, The Happiness Project. I have recently been reminiscing on her "12 Personal Commandments" and thinking of my own.  I may not make it to twelve...but as one of these truths impresses itself on me, I will share them with you here on the blog.  I am just looking to establish a visual reminder of my criteria for my thoughts and actions.

#1: Embrace The Woman That God Has Created Me To Be

I know this is pretty much a re-phrasing of Gretchen Rubin's number one commandment to 'Be Gretchen'.  But, I want to do more than just accept who I am...I also want to fulfill the purpose for which He has made me.

Accepting who I am means not worrying about what others think of me...even if my 'ten' does sound more like 'tea-in' or 't-n' as my eldest son likes to point out.  I am a living, breathing misfit.  You know how it is:  When I am back home in Arkansas I am accused of having a Texas accent.  But here in Texas all I ever hear is, "where are you from because we know it is not from around here".  

Even deciding what to call a meal makes me have to stop and think at times.  Back home it is: Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper.  Around here it is: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.  My dad teases me all the time about calling 'Supper' dinner!

I need to accept that even though some things are great ideas for someone else, they are not always a great idea for me. Take scrap booking, for instance.  It looks like fun and I love looking through someone elses'...but mercy, if I spent thirty minutes on something and all I had to show for it was one matted picture and a few trinkets on a page?  Well, let's just say that I would never finish the first book!  I would rather read...or make my album on Shutterfly!  (I Heart Shutterfly!!)

Even more than embracing these surface areas of my life, I want to earnestly seek to be all that God has called me to be.  I used to think that meant my passion for and position in women's ministry.  And though that passion is still being used by Him, I am beginning to see that it is more about WHO I am than about WHAT I do.    I know, you have probably heard it a million times before yourself...but that really is where I want to be most comfortable.  Knowing that I am loved, accepted and forgiven?  Living in those three truths alone would be a home run!   Throw in that I am valuable, cherished and that's a Grand Slam!!!

And so, it is with these things in mind that I have come to recognize my Number One Personal Commandment: EMBRACE THE WOMAN THAT GOD HAS CREATED ME TO BE

Oh, and the title to this post?  I am closer to Merle Haggard's version of the song than that of the Jonas Brothers!

1 comment:

B said...

Breathtaking you are who you are, Beautiful child of God grown into a lovely woman #1 Embrace it with a passion, You are a Grand Slam!