Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday: When You Want To Quit

I'm back! Did you miss me?

Actually, I know of two of you who did miss me. And I want to thank Kelli (my daughter and This Little Piggy blogger) and Tammy (at Loving Every Second of Life) for gently and lovingly saying..."I missed you and I noticed". Not in those words exactly, but close to it.

Even though I post Weight Loss Wednesdays, I actually do my weigh-ins on Monday mornings. Last week I did not want to weigh.

...because I fell off the journaling wagon after my weight gain

...because I couldn't find my bathroom scale (it was in the kitchen being used for weighing vegetables from the garden)

...because I took time off from exercise during our anniversary trip and never got back to it

...because I was hormonal (and this pre-menopause stuff is hard!)


...because I was afraid
*of more weight gain
*of failure
*of your disapproval
*of sharing more of my heart only to fall down again

Then, last Wednesday, I read a quote from "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst that made me write these words in my journal:

"Time to get back on the wagon!"

What was that quote, you ask?

"Whether we're on the path toward victory or defeat is determined by the very next choice we make."

So, I chose to open my journal and begin an honest dialogue with myself about my fears and failures.

I also downloaded an app on my iPhone that came highly recommended by Skinny Mom's Kitchen. It is called MyFitnessPal. It makes it so much easier to record my food intake because it has so much of the nutrition information at my fingertips. (Plus a bar code reader for prepared foods, yay!) Seriously, have you ever tried to find the calorie count of say black-eyed peas? Google it and you could get twenty different answers!

I finished "Made To Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food" on Sunday night and am now reading the 60 day devotional of the same name. It helps me to keep this information ever before me and fresh on my mind.

And how did my Monday morning weigh in go, you ask?

Down four pounds from the last weigh-in two weeks ago! Woo Hoo!! That is a total of 8 pounds lost since April 30 when this journey began. Not too shabby!

And really...I NEED for you to ask! Not just want you to ask...NEED for you to ask. Not to be mean or legalistic...but like Kelli and Tammy both did, because they cared! Thanks, girls!

How do you stay on track when you just 'want to quit'?

edited on Wednesday to add web links to post and correct the name of the iPhone app.  I apologize if you are getting this twice!  The iPad blogger program did not make linking (or spell checking) easy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Brenda said...

Hey I have missed you! Sorry it was not mention.
Woohoo that is alot. Never be afraid of **** we love you.

I'll be asking. You can do it and look stunning.

Unknown said...

woo hoo for 4 pounds! That is awesome!! I just downloaded an app for my phone today. I have a really hard time writing things down. It was so cool to just type in "pineapple" and be able to choose 1 cup and the info pops up. And even cooler to just scan the other stuff.. cheese, yogurt, milk. :)

I recently read this Bible verse and want to share it with you...

"Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8)

Unknown said...

Good job mom! 4 pounds is noting to sneeze at, doesnt it feel good to see a big drop when you arent expecting it? it makes those "gain" weeks a little more bareable.

Fonda said...

Tammy, I tried my barcode reader for the first time yesterday and I AM IN LOVE with it! So much easier than searching for the information in the data bank! I know we have different apps but I never tried to use the bar code reader until your post. AMAZING!

Fonda said...

Kelli, I do feel good about the 4 pounds...and I had my first person (outside of the family) to notice my weight loss yesterday. That makes it a little easier to keep moving forward if you know it is noticeable change. Thanks, Sweetie, for helping to keep me on track.

Stacy said...

You ROCK!!! Great job!!! You can do it! love you!