Friday, January 16, 2009

Orientation Day

I made it to my New Member Orientation today. The trainer and I went over my goals, my reasons for joining and reviewed my questionnaire. Upon completing the interview, Kennon asked if I was ready for my first mini-workout and proceeded to tell me that over the next 25 minutes he was going to kick my behind (though he used the word that starts with a b and ends with a few t's instead).

He started me with 5 minutes on the elliptical...and even tried to have a conversation with me while I was dying on that thing! We then moved over to the machines where I had to do leg presses, an exercise where you have to step up while pulling on weights from below and another one where I had to push my whole body weight plus 50 pounds against a platform. He then wanted me to work on my abs, but since all the machines were full, he moved me to an ab bench and made me do inclined crunches with an ever increasing weighted medicine ball. From there we moved to the 'perfect crunch' machine in three different positions. I felt pretty good after we finished, until we got back to his desk to set up my 'real' personal trainer appointment and he asked me how long I thought the work out lasted. I replied, "about 20 to 30 minutes". "10 to 15" he said. 10 to 15?!?! How in the world will I make through the 30 minute training session on Monday?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

good luck with your session tomorrow... remember it gets easier with time! love you


Anonymous said...

Let me know when you are ready to plot your trainer's slow and agonizing death. HA HA


Anonymous said...

Stick with it. I am trying to lose weight and develop more strength with the cooperative extension's program "Strong Women". It shows you muscles you didn't know you had.

Aunt Fran